Monday, August 16, 2010

Pre wedding photos

I initially did not want to take pre-wedding photos because I thought that photos on D-Day would be more meaningful. At least I would get to wear my wedding gown just once, with all the hair, accessories, the full blown attire once.. which would make it even more meaningful.

Also I wanted the tradition of the groom not seeing the bride in the gown until she walks down the aisle. But thanks to Eileen, I was sucked into the glory of pre-wedding photos!

And a week after my session, I would have to say --- THANKS, EILEEN!! I DID IT! Well, if we are going to do it, do it right :) So admittedly, I went a bit overboard (a bit is understating it). My back seat and car boot was filled with "stuff" i had to bring to the venue. I had 5 different attires, shoes to match, accessories to adorn and a box full of props.

We started at 6am - yes 6am, and ended at 8pm!! No kidding!! The weather was merciful, the team was fantastic (Cindy of Beauty Haven for makeup & hair, Eddie Lee for videos, Yeh of Wondrous Vision for photos, Anies from Garden Fairies for flowers, Debra from The Olive Branch for venue)  and it made my experience from the other side of the fence (i always help setup the scene but not BE in the scene) fantabulous.

We really had a great time - as there were lots of laughter, jokes, Bollywood-scenes of us running around and even deep-water diving!! The venue - Garden Fairies - THE perfect venue for photos because we had all the picture-perfect elements -  water, white picket fences, tree houses and nature in all its wonder. We even took photos in the loo! That was how gorgeous the place was.

With the photography session, I took it as an opportunity to test out my shoes, gown and accessories to see what would work and what would not in real-life weather. And good thing i did too because I am now an expert in flipping my wedding gown skirt.

For us, having the right group of friends with us is very important and with the right synergy, the right team of people made the session a whole lot of fun. With the experts at hand - I am proud to say that i entrusted our team entirely with everything -- meaning i didn't look in the mirror to check my hair & makeup, i didn't check and recheck Yeh's photos and i told Anies to weave her magic and do what needs to be done with my bouquet.

Trust the experts you get because they DO know what's best for you. What's the point in engaging their services if you need to check and recheck whatever you need?

A preview of the photos just confirmed that it was all worth it.

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