Its hard to believe but very true, if you be nice to people, people will be nice to you. It works between wedding planners vs couples vs vendors vs banquet staff. A little courtesy goes a long way.
We unfortunately encounter too many rude clients who think that when they pay you .. you are their slave and they can be rude to you. Trust us, not every wedding vendor out there is out to get you and cheat you of your money. Be nice and you will find it easier to get things done.
The next time you meet your wedding planner during their off day/ lunch time/ dinner time be sure to just ask if they've eaten or would they like a drink. Don't you think that little soft touch will help you negotiate price better ?
Since we're on the "nice" issue ...
I am truly honored to have really good industry friends, friends who you know will be there for you no matter what. But this friendship was unfortunately put to an unnecessary test with a mutual client of ours.
A client who I feel wanted to change the design of her gown (after the gown has been made) decided to point out faults with the original gown in hopes of getting the designer to re-do the gown. The remarks and comments made by the family were utterly unprofessional, unnecessary and was in bad taste. The designer held his temper, held his composure and agreed with their demands and it was all for the sake of friendship.
I didn't know where to hide my face because I was speechless that the only reason he agreed to her ridiculous terms was because he was a good friend. I told him to ask them to "fly kite" but he wanted to be the more professional one.
In this situation, if she asked nicely and admitted her mistake he would be more willing to help the situation rather than be forced into the situation.
Another interesting story is a story of invitation cards .... You see to print invitation cards, you pick the colour, the design , the text. You see the design on screen, you check the spelling, you check the design. Then your designer would print a PROOF for you to physical hold/touch/see. Proofs are exactly what the word means PROOF. You are to read carefully, check contentedly and approve willingly - your proof. Once you say GO ! the card gets printed, envelopes get cut and ribbons get tied. After you've received the cards, if there are discrepancies in the text / colour / design which were NOT on the proof ... then its your printers fault. If the discrepancies were on the original text/ colour/ design .. Guess what -- YOU are at fault.
No one to blame but yourself. You checked the spelling, you checked the colour, you checked everything. Once you say go , it should be printed AS PER the proof ! Why do couples, instead of admitting their fault, immediately pick up the phone and tells the printer/ wedding planner "it's your fault, re do it for free". If you were to admit your mistake and ask for her help instead of screaming at your printer/ wedding planner your results would be much more pleasant and they would try to find ways to resolve the issue with minimal costs.
All in all .. Be Nice ! Nice will take you a long way
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